I'm in the real need to know if, given a string className or object, it implements a particular interface. I'm specially interested in the string className part.
During the search, many seemingly valid options appeared: instanceof
, is_subclass_of
, is_a
, ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
, class_implements
… Which one to use? Let's do some testing!
The test
I coded the following test to determine the behavior of different options:
interface MyInterface { }
class NotInterfaced { }
class Interfaced implements MyInterface { }
class InterfacedDerived extends Interfaced { }
function dotest($functionName, $result)
echo ($result ? '☑' : '☒'), ' ', $functionName, PHP_EOL;
function test($object, array $functions)
$className = get_class($object);
echo "{$className} implements MyInterface?", PHP_EOL;
foreach ($functions as $functionName => $function) {
dotest("string {$functionName}", $function($className));
dotest("object {$functionName}", $function($object));
echo PHP_EOL;
$functions = array(
'instanceof' => function($type) {
return $type instanceof MyInterface;
'is_a' => function($type) {
return is_a($type, 'MyInterface');
'is_subclass_of' => function($type) {
return is_subclass_of($type, 'MyInterface');
'class_implements' => function($type) {
return in_array('MyInterface', class_implements($type));
'ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface' => function($type) {
$rc = new ReflectionClass($type);
return $rc->implementsInterface('MyInterface');
test(new NotInterfaced, $functions);
test(new Interfaced, $functions);
test(new InterfacedDerived, $functions);
This checks every option with three different classes, using both the classname and a real instance of the class. And now, the results:
NotInterfaced implements MyInterface?
☒ string instanceof
☒ object instanceof
☒ string is_a
☒ object is_a
☒ string is_subclass_of
☒ object is_subclass_of
☒ string class_implements
☒ object class_implements
☒ string ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
☒ object ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
is clearly an edge case to check if the tests are doing fine. The results are all correct, since the class doesn't implement the MyInterface
Interfaced implements MyInterface?
☒ string instanceof
☑ object instanceof
☒ string is_a
☑ object is_a
☒ string is_subclass_of
☒ object is_subclass_of
☑ string class_implements
☑ object class_implements
☑ string ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
☑ object ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
Here we can extract some info. All methods worked well with objects, except for is_subclass_of
. Since it neither works with strings, at this point, I thought is_subclass_of
was not a valid option at all.
The other bit of info is that only class_implements
and ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
worked well with both string classNames and objects. Fine, as long as they're as fast as any of the other options.
InterfacedDerived implements MyInterface?
☒ string instanceof
☑ object instanceof
☒ string is_a
☑ object is_a
☑ string is_subclass_of
☑ object is_subclass_of
☑ string class_implements
☑ object class_implements
☑ string ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
☑ object ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
Some more food for thought… And a surprise. Now, suddenly, is_subclass_of
worked well, not only for object parameters, but for string classNames too. A further check to it's name reveals the answer: InterfacedDerived
is a subclass of Interfaced
which, in turn, implements MyInterface
. So we can say the behavior was correct. My intuition, wasn't.
As with previous test, instanceof
and is_a
give good results for checking objects, as good as class_implements
and ReflectionClass::ImplementsInterface
for string classNames do.
In Conclusion
To check if an object implements a given interface, you can choose between:
To check if a class implements a given interface, given only its class name, you should choose between:
Which are your choices? Know of any other way to do it?
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